Say hello to 

Client workflow
mini course

set yourself up for success 

Discover the secrets to high client satisfaction, high client retention and referrals, Whether YOU'RE just starting out or want to elevate your business, This course is Truly transformative.

Let’s get real for a second, friend


Do you find yourself constantly rummaging through your client emails wondering what other people's secrets are in organising this overload on information?

Have you ever felt like your work is amazing but no matter how hard you try, you can't seems to nail down your client needs, but you know there must be a way to change that for good?

Do you feel nervous about talking to your client, setting boundaries, and wonder if all that will be worth it? 

Do you feel discouraged after receiving negative feedback, because you don't know how to do it better?


Which is why I combined my knowledge and 5 years experience working as a photographer, and coaching skills to finally distilled this strategy down to a concrete process. And for the first time ever, I’m walking you through fundamentals exact workflows I am using, everything you need to do and set up to make your life so much easier and your clients happy. In Customer Workflow the 5 module mini course with matching workbook helping you to accelerate your work and client experience and get 5 star reviews..


did you know…

Almost 65% of a company's business comes from returning customers.

It starts with the right workflow.

Being good at your craft is absolutely necessary, but things really started to change once I stared working on the backend side of the business, creating a customer workflow and a great experience from the first moment they reach out, avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

Are you getting excited yet?




My comprehensive mini course to building
trust, increases efficiency, reduces errors, and helps in tracking and managing clients effectively


Let’s take a look at what’s inside



Roadmap + 1. Step

Create a clear structure and onboarding process and learn the very first step you need to take before doing anything else.


create your P's

Step two and three are your P's, such simple tasks that changes your game completely


learn your c's

Step four and five you need to succeed, increases efficiency and reduces errors or dissatisfaction 



simple techniques to make the process, and systems as easy as possible for both yourself and your clients


Happy and satisfied customers are 87% more likely to purchase upgrades and new services—don't sleep on this.

I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to walk you through setting you up for success,  easy and small steps.

You’ll learn how to...

Confidently embrace your next job/ project without any hesitation.


Create an onboarding process and get all the information you need. 


Know exactly what to do and how to act to avoid conflict and misunderstandings.


Never have disorganised client interactions, feeling uncomfortable and awkward again.


Build awareness around efficiency and standardised procedures.


No more lack of clarity on expectations and deliverables.

Ok, so how can i access this and accelerate my business?

This course is truly one of a kind, there is nothing like this out there. The knowledge contained in this course can run into the thousands depending on who you’re buying from. But my commitment to you is not only to help you grow—it’s to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. 

This is incredible for the value, you are getting out of this. 

AUD $33

(USD $22)

Reg. $97

customer testimonials

sarah m.

"Wow! This mini course completely changed the game for me. I used to feel overwhelmed with client interactions, but now I have a clear workflow that keeps everything organized and efficient. Highly recommend!" 

Alex P. 

I was skeptical at first, but this course exceeded my expectations. The step-by-step guidance helped me streamline my client communication and improve my overall customer satisfaction.   Thank you

Emily R.

Absolutely brilliant! The tips and tricks shared in this course are invaluable. I've already noticed a significant difference in how smoothly my projects run from start to finish. Can't thank you enough for this!

Proud owner of Sama Photo + Film, with over 5 years of experience behind the lens and working with a diverse range of individuals, I've come to realise the transformative power of working on the backend of the business.

Through countless trials and errors, I've honed strategies and techniques that not only expedite progress but also propel business growth. While mastering your craft is essential, navigating the complexities of the business demands more than just creative prowess. Your business will absolutely change by simply implementing these strategies. 

I want you to embark on this journey with genuine excitement because, truth be told, it's nothing short of remarkable. Too often, we let setbacks and self-doubt overshadow the joy of our entrepreneurial endeavors. Having undergone profound personal and professional transformations, I'm impassioned to share the invaluable insights I've gained along the way.

The impact of this journey has been monumental for me, and I'm eager to empower individuals like yourself to unlock their fullest potential and thrive in both business and life.

about me

Hey, I'm Sabrina!

Just a girl from Germany who now calls Australia home. Back in 2016, I made the bold decision to leave my small hometown behind and embark on a journey to Australia with just a backpack and a dream. It wasn't easy at first, but it turned out to be the best decision I've ever made.

Six years ago, I started my photography business from scratch, and the journey has been transformative, to say the least. Through hard work and perseverance, I've gained invaluable experience and insights into the world of business. Along the way, I discovered that success isn't just about capturing stunning images; it's also about mastering the backend of business and nurturing the right mindset.

Now, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping other creatives who may find themselves in a similar position to where I was a few years ago. That's why I created this course—to provide likeminded photographers with a budget-friendly resource to kickstart or accelerate their business without feeling overwhelmed.

I remember the struggle of wanting to invest in courses but being held back by financial constraints. The Client Workflow Mini Course is designed to offer guidance and support to help you improve and set up your photography business the right way, without breaking the bank.

Let's do it!

My mission?

To empower individuals like you to be the absolute best for their clients and grow their business.